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Learning with your hands

The scientific sources listed below form the basis of our ‘learning with your hands' concept. 

  • Mesker, Pierre. De menselijke hand. Suyi Publicaties, 1969. (proefschrift)
  • Van Grunsven, Wally & Njiokiktjien, Charles. Het schrijven: didactiek en behandeling van stoornissen. Suyi Publicaties, 2017.
Learning line paint

This learning line was developed in collaboration with Bauk Zwaan from ‘Drawing is more’. Bauk Zwaan has developed various products for schools, including a student monitoring system, focusing on being able to ‘read’ drawings. She also provides workshops and trainings to professionals in education and beyond. For more information about the vision, ideas and background of Bauk Zwaan, check www.tekenenismeer.nl.
