Dealing with length and concepts that have to do with length.
Give your own meaning to the music you listened to.
Design and drawing of mirror images of figures and text using the lino printing technique.
Practise writing by making writing movements
Writing a narrative text (here: a letter).
Learning to calculate the area of rectangles.
Writing a narrative text and making an illustration with it.
Specific experimentation with colour, space, materials and techniques related to the theme of fireworks.
Write in mirror image and draw mirror images of figures.
Learning to sort objects based on one or more characteristics.
Practising calculations with percentages by calculating discounts.
Recognising and naming parts of your own body.
Practising reading out loud and stimulating reading pleasure and reading motivation.
Playfully explore different possibilities of space (suggestion) when drawing.
Introduction to visual language through pictograms.
Writing practice by making writing movements.
Sort objects based on one or more characteristics.
Recognise and name the parts of their own bodies.
Made by Hanny Röttjers
Learn to calculate with surfaces and scale.
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